Support Resources for MAPs

Offending is NOT the answer, suicide is NOT the answer either.

Reaching out for support isn’t a sign of weakness, nor does it mean you’re inherently a risk, it means you value your mental health. If you’re attracted to minors and feel you need support, there are safe places and resources you can turn to:

Virtuous Pedophiles [VirPed]

Founded on June 2012, this forum welcomes anyone over the age of 18 attracted to minors, people who as me feels the need of a community where people go through the same and have the same commitment to never advance sexually towards a kid. From their website:

Sexual activity between an adult and a child is always wrong.
We oppose legalizing adult/child sexual activity or making it in
any way more accepted.
Some people cannot believe that pedophiles would hold these beliefs. We do. They are the foundation of everything we do.

MAP Support Club

I discovered my attraction to children when I was as young as 12. And not only me but almost 85% of the people who discover they have attraction towards minors discover it before they hit 18, for this reason this support page was created to welcome those teenagers over 13 who have discovered have this attractions. A safe place to find support amongst peers.

A screenshot of the MAP Support Club community rules

If interested in joining the community, don’t hesitate to request to join VirPed, or write me via the contact page. (Germany)

Started in Berlin in 2005, Project Dunkenfeld offers therapy without fear of mandatory reporting, to any adult who feels attraction towards children or teenagers and needs additional professional help not to commit an offense or watch Child Sexual Exploitation Material.

Troubled Desire

Founded by the same professionals behind Project Dunkenfeld in Germany, Troubled Desire offers Online-Self-Management tools for people who feel attracted to children and early adolescents and don’t have the chance to get in real contact with therapists.

Know it has some gut wretching questions as an initial self-assessment, but that can help you identify in which parts of your life to focus your management tools to.

Fully anonymous and offered in English, Spanish, German and Marathi.

The Primary Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse

Independent website dedicated to educate about what Attraction to Minors is and how to prevent any sexual abuse, know the signs of abuse in a child and providing tools and personal advice for MAPs, friends and family.

The Global Prevention Project

Founded on 2016, offers weekly call-in support groups for Minor Attracted Persons around the globe, offering tools to those who want to remain non offending and live healthy fulfilling lifes, as well as a weekly call-in support group for partners and family of MAPs.

Stop It Now!

This organization makes public advocacy and education with good resources about attraction towards minors, as well as offering an open anonymous helpline in the US. A UK branch is also available subject to mandatory reporting laws.


Another good website with resources about attraction towards minors, they also held annual conferences in the US to educate professionals and public alike about MAP mental health and abuse prevention.

Christian Pedophile

Being a religious person as a MAP can be one of the most confusing mixes of living with the attractions, this website’s goal is to help christian believers from a religious angle to deal with the emotional weights of it. Multiple blog entries and podcasts, it couldn’t be left out of the list.


Chat support with schedules set for anyone with attraction towards minors, with strict guidelines to ensure anonymous support and keep the conversation focused on support.

Suicide prevention resources

National suicide hotline (US): 1-800-273-8255

Samaritans (UK)

24/7 open line based on the UK for support.

Also feel free to contact me through the contact form in this site or by writing me to